Training and resources

We have lots of helpful resources to support you to create your own dementia inclusive community. These include dementia awareness training, guidance and promotional materials.

Bespoke group trainings

The Alzheimer Society provide bespoke face to face and e-learning opportunities for organisations and community groups.

Please contact to discuss your training requirements.

Training for retail, finance and transport

The Dementia Elevator programme helps staff members in these sectors to engage with and support people with dementia

Training for individuals

The Dementia Services Information Development Centre (DSIDC) offer this online introductory awareness course for individuals

Community champion workshop

This workshop is for new and existing community champions who aim to make their community dementia inclusive, and link in with likeminded people

Training for inclusive design

The Dementia Services Information Development Centre (DSIDC) offer this online course for anyone who wants to understand how we can create dementia inclusive spaces and buildings

Training for arts facilitators

The Azure Programme supports artists and arts facilitators to deliver dementia-inclusive art viewing workshops

Training for healthcare professionals

Dementia Pathways is a resource for healthcare and social care professionals with information and guidance to support good practice in dementia care

Helpful resources

Whether you are an individual, national partner or community champion who wants to make a difference in your community, these resources can help get you started.

You can download a copy of all resources or order these to be sent to you through

Dementia inclusive community symbol toolkit

The toolkit gives an overview of the Understand Together campaign and guidance on the use of the symbol.

Dementia inclusive community symbol

This is the symbol.

Communications guidance and templates

Images to use for social media

Campaign videos

People with dementia, community champions and national partners are at the heart of this movement.

Printed campaign resources

Tipsheets for organisations, badges, flyers and posters can help make your activities visible in your community.


A variety of publications and guidebooks are available to you.